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The Official Pilates Glossary

The Official Pilates Glossary


The muscles in the abdomen that support and stabilize the trunk and assist in movements such as flexion, extension, and rotation.
A muscle that draws a body part, such as a limb, toward the midline of the body.
The correct positioning of the body to ensure that it is in the optimal position to perform an exercise or movement safely and effectively.
The precise movement of each joint in the body through a range of motion, often used in reference to the spine.
Assisted stretch
A stretching technique in which a partner or apparatus is used to help facilitate a deeper stretch in a muscle.
A position where one leg is bent and lifted behind the body with the foot placed on or near the knee of the supporting leg while maintaining proper alignment of the spine and engaging the core.
A movement away from the midline of the body, often used in reference to the leg or foot.
Axial elongation
Lengthening the spine in both directions from the top of the head to the tailbone to create space between each vertebrae.
A position where one leg is extended behind the body while maintaining proper alignment of the spine and engaging the core.


Balance Control
The ability to maintain balance while performing Pilates exercises.
Back Extension
A Pilates exercise performed lying face down, in which the arms and legs are lifted off the ground simultaneously.
Biceps curl
A Pilates exercise performed with weights, in which the arms are bent and then straightened.
A piece of Pilates equipment used to facilitate stretching and strengthening exercises.
A Pilates exercise performed lying on the back, in which the hips are lifted off the ground to create a bridge shape.
The Pilates breathing method used to facilitate deep breathing and increase oxygenation.
The fundamental Pilates exercises designed to teach the principles of the Pilates method.
A sweeping or kicking motion of the leg, often performed with straight legs and pointed toes.
A piece of Pilates equipment used to facilitate stretching and strengthening exercises.
A Pilates exercise performed sitting with the soles of the feet together and the knees out to the side, resembling a butterfly.


A piece of Pilates equipment used to facilitate stretching and strengthening exercises.
Chest Expansion
A Pilates exercise performed seated, in which the arms are extended to the sides and then brought forward to stretch the chest.
A gliding step where one foot chases the other, often performed in a sequence of quick steps.
A Pilates exercise performed lying face down, in which the upper body is lifted off the ground using the arms and back muscles.
Control Balance
A Pilates exercise performed on the Reformer, in which the body is suspended in a horizontal position with the legs extended and the arms reaching forward.
Control Push Up
A Pilates exercise performed on the Wunda Chair, in which the body is suspended in a push-up position with the hands on the chair and the feet on the floor.
The principles of the Pilates method that emphasize control, concentration, centering, precision, breath, and flow.
The original name of the Pilates method, emphasizing the principles of control, concentration, centering, precision, breath, and flow.
The ability to perform Pilates exercises with synchronized movements.
A Pilates exercise performed lying on the back, in which the legs are lifted off the ground and rotated in a circular motion.
A Pilates exercise performed lying on the back, in which the opposite elbow and knee are brought together in a twisting motion.


A Pilates exercise performed standing, in which one leg is lifted off the ground and held with the hand.
A Pilates exercise performed lying face down, in which the upper body is lifted off the ground using the back muscles.
A half bend of the knees while maintaining proper alignment of the spine and engaging the core.
A rising up onto the balls of the feet without lifting the heels off the ground.
A Pilates exercise performed seated, in which the feet are brought together to form a diamond shape.
Donkey Kick
A Pilates exercise performed on all fours, in which the leg is lifted off the ground and kicked back.
Double Leg Kick
A Pilates exercise performed lying face down, in which the legs are lifted off the ground and kicked back.
Double Leg Stretch
A Pilates exercise performed lying on the back, in which the arms and legs are lifted off the ground simultaneously and then extended forward.
A Pilates exercise performed in a lunge position, in which the front leg is bent and the back leg is extended.
Down Stretch
A Pilates exercise performed standing, in which the hands are placed on the Mat and the body is folded forward to stretch the hamstrings and back.


The vital force that drives movement and activity in the body.
A Pilates exercise that involves moving from a position of flexion to extension, resembling the motion of escaping from a confined space.
Any physical activity performed to improve health, strength, and fitness.
A Pilates exercise that involves standing on the hands and feet with the hips lifted and the torso extended downward, resembling an elephant stretching its trunk.
The act of stretching and lengthening the spine to achieve a more upright posture.


The connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, and organs in the body.
Fish pose
A yoga pose that involves lying on the back and arching the chest upward while supporting the head with the hands.
First position
A stance where the heels are touching and the toes are turned outwards to the sides.
A Pilates exercise that involves standing on one leg and extending the other leg backward, similar to a flamingo standing on one leg.
A Pilates exercise that involves performing a series of movements with the feet while lying on a mat or using a Pilates apparatus.
Forward Bend
A stretching exercise that involves bending forward at the hips to lengthen the spine and stretch the hamstrings.
Fourth position
A stance where one foot is placed in front of the other with a distance of one foot length between them.
A Pilates exercise that involves lying on the stomach and bending the knees out to the sides, resembling the motion of a frog.
Front support
A Pilates exercise that involves holding a position similar to a push-up or plank, with the body extended and supported by the arms.
Fifth position
A stance where one foot is placed in front of the other with the heel of the front foot touching the toe of the back foot.


The muscles of the buttocks, including the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.
Grand battement
A high, forceful kick of the leg, often performed with a straight leg and pointed foot.
Grand plié
A deep bend of the knees while maintaining proper alignment of the spine and engaging the core.
A Pilates exercise that involves lying on the stomach and lifting the legs off the ground, resembling the motion of a grasshopper jumping.
A brand of Pilates equipment known for its high quality and durability.
A sport that involves performing acrobatic and gymnastic movements, often incorporating elements of strength, balance, and flexibility.


High Bridge
A Pilates exercise that involves lifting the hips and torso off the ground while supported by the hands and feet.
Hip Circles
A Pilates exercise that involves rotating the hips in a circular motion, both clockwise and counterclockwise.
Hip Twist
A Pilates exercise that involves lying on the back and rotating the legs to one side while keeping the torso stable.
A Pilates exercise that involves lying on the back and performing a series of arm movements while keeping the legs extended.
Hug a Tree
A Pilates exercise that involves wrapping the arms around a Pilates apparatus, such as a pole or tower, and pulling the body toward it.


A Pilates technique that involves pressing the lower back into the mat to engage the abdominal muscles and stabilize the spine.
Inner Thigh
The muscles of the inner thigh, including the adductor longus, adductor brevis, and adductor magnus.
A level of difficulty in Pilates that is more advanced than beginner but less advanced than advanced.
Intermediate Mat
A series of Pilates exercises performed on a mat, with a focus on building strength, flexibility, and control.
The act of hanging upside down or tilting the body backward to increase blood flow to the head and upper body.


A Pilates exercise that involves lying on the back and lifting the arms and legs off the ground to form a V-shape.
Joint Movement
The motion of a joint, such as the knee or shoulder, as it moves through its range of motion.
A Pilates exercise that involves jumping off the ground or on a reformer/jumbboard combination while maintaining control and stability.
A jump where one leg is extended forward while the other leg pushes off the ground, often performed with a split in the air.


A Pilates exercise performed while kneeling, which helps to improve balance, strength, and stability in the legs, hips, and core.
Kneeling Side Kick
A Pilates exercise performed while kneeling that involves lifting and extending one leg while maintaining proper alignment and stability in the torso and hips.
Knees Off
A Pilates exercise performed on the Reformer machine that involves lying down on the carriage with the knees bent and then extending the legs while lifting the hips off the carriage.


Lateral Flexion
A Pilates exercise that involves bending sideways while maintaining proper alignment and stability in the torso and hips.
Leg Circles
A Pilates exercise performed lying on the back with the legs extended and making circles in the air with the legs while maintaining proper alignment and stability in the core.
Leg Springs
A Pilates exercise performed on the Cadillac or Tower machines that involves using springs to provide resistance while working the legs.
Long Box
A Pilates apparatus used on the Reformer machine that allows for exercises to be performed in a variety of positions, including prone, supine, and side-lying.
Long Stretch
A Pilates exercise performed on the Reformer machine that involves pushing the carriage away from the foot bar and then pulling it back in while maintaining proper alignment and stability in the core.


Magic Circle
A Pilates prop used to add resistance and assist with exercises, particularly those focused on the arms and legs.
The primary piece of equipment used in Pilates that is used for floor exercises.
A Pilates exercise performed seated on the mat, which involves side bending and twisting of the torso.
The area of the spine between the shoulder blades, which is a common focus in Pilates exercises.
A Pilates exercise that involves hanging from the Trapeze Table or Tower and swinging the body back and forth while maintaining proper alignment and control.
A Pilates exercise that involves lying face down with the arms extended overhead and lifting the arms and legs while maintaining proper alignment and stability in the core.


Neck Nod
A Pilates exercise that involves gently nodding the head up and down while maintaining proper alignment and stability in the neck and upper back.
Neck Pull
A Pilates exercise performed while lying on the back, which involves rolling the body up to a seated position while maintaining proper alignment and stability in the core and neck.
Neck Release
A Pilates exercise that involves releasing tension in the neck and shoulders through gentle stretches and movements.
Neutral Spine
A position of the spine where the natural curves are maintained and the pelvis and ribcage are in proper alignment.


One Leg Circle
A Pilates exercise performed while lying on the back, which involves making circles in the air with one leg while maintaining proper alignment and stability in the core.
Open Leg Balance
A Pilates exercise performed on the Reformer machine that involves balancing the body while holding the legs extended in the air.
Open Leg Rocker
A Pilates exercise performed on the mat or Reformer machine that involves rocking back and forth while balancing on the sitting bones and maintaining proper alignment and stability in the core.
A Pilates exercise that involves reaching the arms overhead while maintaining proper alignment and stability in the core and shoulders.


Pelvic Curl
A Pilates exercise that involves lifting the hips off the mat while keeping the spine in a neutral position.
A system of exercises developed by Joseph Pilates that aims to improve flexibility, strength, and balance.
A Pilates exercise that involves lifting one leg off the mat and bringing the foot to the opposite knee.
A position where one leg is lifted and bent with the foot resting against the opposite thigh.
A core-strengthening exercise in which the body is held in a straight line from head to heels in a push-up position.
A bending of the knees, often done with the heels lifted and the feet turned out.
Port de bras
A movement of the arms, typically involving sweeping or circular motions.
Port de bras
A movement of the arms and shoulders that involves rounding and opening the arms while maintaining proper alignment of the spine and engaging the core.
A term used in Pilates to refer to the core muscles of the body, including the abs, back, and glutes.
A position in which the body is face-down on the mat.
Pulling Straps
A Pilates exercise that involves using a set of straps to perform upper body exercises.
Push Up
A classic exercise that targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders.


The quadriceps muscles, located on the front of the thigh, are responsible for extending the knee.
A Pilates exercise that involves being on hands and knees and performing movements that engage the core and stabilize the spine.
Quick Stretch
A Pilates exercise that involves quick, controlled movements to stretch and strengthen the muscles.


A rising up onto the balls of the feet, often done with the heels together and the feet turned out.
Rising up onto the balls of the feet while maintaining proper alignment of the spine and engaging the core.
A Pilates exercise that involves performing movements in the opposite direction from the usual pattern.
A Pilates exercise that involves rolling the body back and forth while balancing on the sit bones.
Roll Over
A Pilates exercise that involves rolling the body over from a supine to a prone position.
Roll Up
A Pilates exercise that involves rolling the spine up and down while keeping the legs straight.
Rolling Back
A modified version of the Roll Over, where the legs are kept bent and the torso is rolled back and forth.
Russian Splits
A Pilates exercise that involves lying on the back and lifting the legs into the air, then scissoring them back and forth.


A Pilates exercise that involves lifting the legs off the mat and scissoring them back and forth.
A Pilates exercise that involves rolling back and forth while balancing on the sit bones and clapping the feet together.
Second position
A stance where the feet are placed shoulder-width apart and the toes are turned outwards to the sides.
Side Kick
A Pilates exercise that involves lying on the side and lifting and lowering the top leg.
Side Plank
A Pilates exercise that involves balancing on one arm and one leg while lifting the other arm and leg in the air.
Shoulder Bridge
A Pilates exercise that involves lifting the hips off the mat while keeping the spine in a neutral position.
Short Spine Massage
A Pilates exercise that involves rolling the spine up and down while the legs are lifted in the air.
A Pilates exercise that involves rolling the body up and down while supporting the weight on the forearms.
Spine Stretch
A Pilates exercise that involves reaching forward and lengthening the spine while sitting on the mat.
Spine Twist
A Pilates exercise that involves twisting the spine while sitting on the mat.
A Pilates exercise that involves lifting the upper body off the mat while keeping the legs and pelvis still.
A Pilates exercise that involves lying face down and extending the spine, while lifting and lowering the arms and legs.
Swan Dive
A Pilates exercise that involves lifting the upper body off the mat and reaching the arms forward while keeping the legs still.
A prone exercise that targets the back and shoulders, and improves spinal mobility.
Single Leg Circles
A Pilates exercise that involves drawing circles with one leg while keeping the other leg still.
A Pilates exercise that involves twisting the spine and reaching forward while sitting on the mat.


The Bicycle
A supine exercise where the legs are lifted and cycled in a controlled motion.
The Double Leg Kick
A prone exercise that targets the entire back and glutes.
The Hip Twist
A seated twist exercise that targets the obliques and stretches the spine.
The Hundred
A classic Pilates exercise that involves lying on your back and pumping your arms up and down while engaging the core.
The Jackknife
An advanced exercise that involves lifting the entire body into a V-shape.
The Neck Pull
A seated exercise that targets the neck and upper back muscles.
The One Hundred
A warm-up exercise designed to increase circulation and warm up the abdominal muscles.
The Roll Over
An advanced exercise that involves rolling backwards and then forwards in a full-body stretch.
The Roll Up
An exercise designed to stretch and strengthen the abdominal muscles and spine.
The Scissors
A supine exercise where the legs are lifted and scissored in a controlled motion.
The Shoulder Bridge
A supine exercise that targets the glutes and lower back.
The Side Kick Series (Front, Back, and Up)
A series of lateral exercises that target the outer thighs and hip muscles.
The Single Leg Circle
A mat exercise where one leg is lifted and moved in a circular motion while keeping the torso stable.
The Single Leg Kick
A prone exercise that targets the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.
The Spine Stretch Forward
A seated exercise designed to stretch the spine and improve posture.
The Spine Twist
A seated twist exercise that targets the obliques and stretches the spine.
The Swan Dive
A prone exercise that strengthens the back and shoulders.
An advanced Pilates exercise that challenges core strength, balance, and flexibility. The exercise involves rolling up and down the spine while maintaining a "V" shape with the body.
The Thigh Stretch
A Pilates exercise that involves kneeling on the reformer and pushing the carriage back with the feet, engaging the thighs and core muscles.
The Tower
A piece of Pilates equipment that consists of a vertical frame with springs and straps that attach to a mat or platform. The tower is used to perform exercises that challenge the body's strength and flexibility.
The Tree
A standing Pilates exercise that involves balancing on one leg with the other leg placed against the standing leg's inner thigh.
The Tendon Stretch
A Pilates exercise that involves kneeling on a pad and pushing the heels down to stretch the Achilles tendon.
Third position
A stance where one foot is placed in front of the other with the heel of the front foot touching the arch of the back foot.
The Twist
A Pilates exercise that involves rotating the torso while maintaining a stable pelvis and engaging the core muscles.


Up and Down
A Pilates exercise that involves sitting on the chair and lifting the body up and down using the arms and core muscles.
Up Stretch
A Pilates exercise that involves kneeling on the reformer and pushing the carriage back with the arms while engaging the core muscles.
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana
A yoga pose that involves lying on your back and lifting your legs straight up to the ceiling.


Variable Resistance
A type of resistance training that uses a machine or equipment to provide different levels of resistance depending on the user's strength and ability.
A Pilates exercise that involves sitting on the mat with the legs lifted off the ground and the torso angled back to create a "V" shape with the body.
A sequence of yoga poses that are performed in a continuous, flowing motion, often accompanied by breathwork.


A prop often used in Pilates exercises to provide support or resistance for different exercises.
A Pilates exercise that involves holding the body in a plank position while walking the hands forward and back, engaging the core muscles.
Wunda Chair
A piece of Pilates equipment that consists of a padded seat and footrests attached to a spring-loaded pedal. The Wunda Chair is used to perform a variety of Pilates exercises that challenge the body's strength and stability.


A Pilates exercise that involves lying on the back with arms and legs extended in an "X" shape and performing small movements to engage the core muscles.
A piece of Pilates equipment that resembles a ballet barre and is used for stability and support during standing Pilates exercises.


A Pilates exercise position that involves lying on the back with the legs extended and arms reaching overhead in a "Y" shape.


A Pilates exercise that involves lying on the back with the legs bent and arms reaching overhead in a "Z" shape.
A Pilates exercise that involves performing a diagonal movement pattern while lying on the back, engaging the core muscles.
A seated Pilates position where one leg is bent in front of the body (heel to midline), and the other is bent beside the body (heel to glute), resembling a “Z” shape.